Listing Management
Your listing management tool allows corporate,regional and office staff to manage those listings for you.
Seller Management
Your Seller management tool allows corporate,regional and office staff to manage those sellers for you.
Buyer Management
Your Buyer management tool allows corporate,regional and office staff to manage those buyers for you.
Home Loan Management
Your buyer home loan tool allows corporate,regional and office staff to manage those buyers home loan applications for you.
Marketing Management
Your listing marketing tool allows corporate,regional and office staff to market those for sale properties for you.
Property Transfer Management
Your Property tansfer registration tool allows corporate,regional and office staff to draw up of the transfer documentation, management processes with bond and cancellation attorneys where appropriate, overseeing signature of transfer documents by both buyer and seller with scheduling all appointments.
Registration Management
Your Property registration tool allows corporate,regional and office staff to manage the lodgement and registration process within the Deeds Office for your sellers and buyers keeping them in the loop at all times.
Support centre
Our business support centre with well trained staff who co-ordinates the activities for the home kit by supporting entrepreneurs 24/7.
WhatsApp & social Media Centre
Our social media centre will create and maintain your listing promotions, information and marketing campaigns across social media networks for you.
Commission Payout Assistant
We keep you up to date with every property you have sold by ensuring a dedicated payout assistant manages your commission payouts for you.